On April 24, 2015, Posted by , In MOBILE, By ,,, , With No Comments

mobile searches impactBefore going into details of what is meant to be the mobile revolution of the internet, as we know it, we probably need to discover what is a google update. Any time we want to know more about a particular topic or we are looking for something, Google is there to help us. To do so, Google uses its own algorithm to understand which websites can better satisfy our query and which instead should not waste our time. Through the years Google has updated his algorithm many times. Without us noticing any difference, Google updates its search criteria about 500 to 600 times a year. A major update instead, like Mobilgeddon, is usually released few times a year. There have been more than 100 major updates and you can find a complete list here: MOZ.


Mobile-stats-vs-desktop-users-global-550x405How and where is Mobilgeddon going to impact us, motorsport businesses? The answer is very easy: on our mobile site ranking. Maybe we should first ask ourselves, do we have a mobile site? In reality, not many motorsport businesses do. Certainly, the majority rely on their desktop versions. If this is your case, Mobilgeddon is not going to impact on your SEO results. However, I would strongly recommend you to review your on-line strategy as not having a mobile site is currently damaging your brand. Sources from E-marketers confirm in fact that in 2015 mobile searches will surpass desktops ones.
mobile test

Do you have a mobile site? Do you want to know if it is optimised for mobile browsing? You can simply check here. If the results are not encouraging, Mobilgeddon will certainly not help you to score high results. The good news here is that Mobilgeddon will be a soft update. Firstly, this means that, it will only hit mobile searches. Secondly that when you will optimise your site your search results will be improving quite quickly. This was not the case with other updates, where it was notoriously hard to come back, once penalised by Google.

Mobilegeddon is therefore going to heavily impact motorsport.  The industry, as a whole, is not yet well optimised when it comes to mobile sites. The lesson to learn here is that a mobile site is not anymore an option, is nowadays a necessity. Good motorsport mobile websites are rare, here a few examples:

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